
Future-proof education

Education is a widely discussed topic, and COVID-19 has underscored how crucial the education sector is to our society whether it concerns primary, secondary, or higher education and university education. Qualitative education is needed to ensure sufficiently qualified people, also in the future. There are sectors that are experiencing, or are at threat of, severe shortages. There is tension between the education supply and the demand from the labour market. Is the education sector responding adequately to the new competencies that are required now and in the future? The way in which education is organised plays a crucial role in how we prepare for future-proof leadership in the Netherlands.

Lifelong learning

Voor Whyz is het interessant om te doorgronden welke veranderingen in het onderwijs nodig zijn om de professional van de toekomst op te leiden. Eén van de grootste uitdagingen voor ons land is om ‘een leven lang leren’ voor alle burgers vorm te geven. Dit is noodzakelijk voor het behouden en versterken van het innoverend vermogen van Nederland.

Het onderwijs was vroeger natuurlijk ook voortdurend in ontwikkeling. Maar wat is veranderd, is het hoge tempo waarmee de veranderingen op ons afkomen. Het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP) onderscheidt vier drijvende krachten die ingrijpen op het leven van de Nederlandse burger in de toekomst: demografie, technologie, economie en ecologie.

Whyz delivers a contribution to future-proof education by ensuring the exchange of knowledge and experience between educational institutions and the business sector. We are familiar with both sectors and understand which people are successful in education, now and in the future. Our focus is on understanding the vision and mission of leading educational institutions and their target groups so we can find the right candidates. That could be an experienced educational professional or someone from another sector with the right background who switches to the education sector. We pay particular attention to the impact that technological innovations such as digitisation and robotisation have on the sector.

Track record